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A message from the CEO of Habitat International

In recent days and weeks, a wave of closures, cancellations and postponements has unfurled as the COVID-19 pandemic has emerged. Those decisions — taken individually, totalled in the aggregate — have been stunning acts of solidarity, expressions of concern and collective responsibility for the health of our communities.

#WorldMetDay Water and Climate Change

Fresh water is vital for life. On average, a human being cannot survive more than three days without it. Water is essential for the production of our food, virtually all of our goods and services and for the environment.  The world now faces increasing challenges posed by water stress, floods and droughts and lack of
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Shared by Jonathon Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity International: Habitat has always chosen to embody these values, and the steps we are taking now are taken in this same vein. May you be healthy, may you be well, and may you and yours feel God’s love around you.


Prayer for a Pandemic
By Cameron Bellm

May we who are merely inconvenienced
Remember those whose lives are at stake.
May we who have no risk factors
Remember those most vulnerable.
May we who have the luxury of working from home
Remember those who must choose between preserving their health or making their rent.
May we who have the flexibility to care for our children when their schools close
Remember those who have no options.
May we who have to cancel our trips
Remember those that have no safe place to go.
May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of the economic market
Remember those who have no margin at all.
May we who settle in for a quarantine at home
Remember those who have no home.
As fear grips our country,
let us choose love.
During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other,
Let us yet find ways to be the loving embrace of God to our neighbors.

#WorldWaterDay #SafeHands

Habitat for Humanity recognises the importance of water and sanitation in good health, and this is why we prioritize this area when helping homeowners improve their living environment. When an applicant does not meet the full criteria for a new build, we work with them to make gradual improvements to their current structure, beginning with
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The most efficient way to achieve a healthy home is by sharing cleaning, tidying and maintenance responsibilities between ALL family members, men, women AND children!

We are responsible for keeping our pets and farm animals in appropriate spaces and disposing of their waste and uneaten food safely. That way, they do not transmit disease or contaminate our homes or neighbourhoods.

It is important to regularly check the conditions of our home’s plumbing and sewage, walls, roofs and floors, and set aside a small amount every week or month to tackle repairs EARLY, before they become too big for us to handle.

Habitat for Humanity can help you learn basic home maintenance techniques to benefit your home, save money, and who knows, maybe increase your income!

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It is recommended that parents sleep separately from children. If children share rooms, it is also recommended that boys share with boys and girls with girls. Privacy can be maintained in rooms by dividing spaces, using furniture, and using outdoor space whenever possible, or by expanding the house. These divisions do not necessarily need to be walls, but could be objects, pieces of furniture, curtains or other features that differentiate or isolate one space from another.

To prevent a person suffering from a respiratory, skin or other illness from infecting others or being adversely affected by family members, it is important that he/she sleep in a separate space from the rest of the family, or at least at a safe distance away.

Habitat for Humanity can teach you and your neighbours how to make good use of small space, through our community workshops.

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Comfortable, healthy and safe living coexistence depends on how we use and distribute the space in our homes. When we use space wisely, we prevent overcrowding, which can lead to interpersonal conflicts, promiscuity, violence, the spread of illness and other health effects.

Food preparation, personal hygiene and proper rest require clean, tidy and healthy areas.

These areas don’t have to be entirely separate rooms – in fact, it helps if the furniture in our home can be adapted easily to fit the available space and the day-to-day needs of our families.

Habitat for Humanity can help you figure out your space needs for healthy living! We can teach you and your neighbours how to make good use of small space, through our community workshops.

For more useful tips, check out our Facebook Page @HabitatTNT and call 675-1222 to learn more!

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Let us support your dreams!

Housing and the UNSDGs

Since 1997, Habitat Trinidad and Tobago has contributed significantly to the National Strategic Development Plans, and by extension, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for Housing and Infrastructure through: Number of Shelter Solutions – new houses, repairs, renovations, sanitation blocks, completions, and materials supplied – 877 Number of persons benefiting from training and shelter solutions
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Use your voice!

Habitat launches new Capital Campaign!

“Ladies and gentlemen TT$ 58.5 Million is an ambitious goal, but a necessary one if we are to be the catalyst that is needed to propel Trinidad and Tobago forward to a place where safe and affordable is provided for all!” With these words, Sieunarine Coosal issued a clarion call to the national community to
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Any leak that appears—whether in the shower or the toilet—should be repaired as quickly as possible, as this represents significant amounts of wasted water.

Avoid at all costs going to the toilet in the natural environment. This is dangerous to you, other people and the environment.

Do not let used water or rainwater become stagnant or exposed, as leaves, branches, garbage and domestic animals can alter its course or cause it to overflow, resulting in serious issues with bad smells, contamination, and even damage to the home or neighbourhood.

For more useful tips, check out our Facebook Page @HabitatTNT and call 675-1222 to learn more!

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The bathroom and toilet should include a facility that safely carries urine and faeces to the public sewer system or a properly built septic system.

It is important to have a sink where hands can be washed, preferably in the same room, or just outside of or adjacent to the toilet area. This sink should always have soap and hand sanitizer if possible available for everyone to use.

The toilet lid and the door of the room where it is located should always be kept closed when not in use.

The adequate and hygienic disposal of waste water, as well as rainwater, reduces health risks and creates a more agreeable environment for our house and its surroundings.

For more useful tips, check out our Facebook Page @HabitatTNT and call 675-1222 to learn more!

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As we battle the Coronavirus Pandemic together, we must remember to use clean water to wash and sanitize our hands and homes.

Water is the source of life, but when polluted or dirty, it carries microbes and parasites and substances that can cause disease and make us sick. It is our responsibility to keep our water safe and healthy.

When we live in healthy homes, we must have a nearby water supply of a good enough quality and enough for everyone. We can all take action in small ways – by covering open water storage tanks, or by ensuring that the water eliminated from our toilets and showers and kitchen sinks is removed from our homes in safe and healthy ways.

We can also help our community to have safe water by asking local authorities to work with families on safe water practices. Habitat for Humanity can help! Check out our Facebook Page @HabitatTNT and call 675-1222 to learn more!

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#habitattnt – Our Passion

The new decade finds us thankful for the opportunity to celebrate 23 years of building shelters, communities and hope in partnership with the people of Trinidad and Tobago, and the wider Caribbean region.  Volunteers, staff members, donors and homeowners in TandT, Jamaica and Dominica all share a vision of a world where everyone has a
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Happy Anniversary to US!

As we celebrate 23 years of service to Trinidad and Tobago and the wider Caribbean region, here’s what’s coming up in March! Dedications We are just putting the finishing touches on Chantal’s and Angela‘s houses, with painting and dedication ceremonies planned for the homes later this month! These days are some of the happiest days
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Through shelter, we empower Trinbagonians families. ¡Join us!